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Department of Shalya Tantra


Department of Shalya Tantra provides educational/clinical inputs to the fourth year undergraduate BAMS students in the subject of Shalya Tantra. Shalya Tantra is one of distinct branch of Ashtang Ayurveda will teaches us surgical knowledge and procedure that are performed and used by thousands of years. Modern plastic surgery specialty is one specialty that has its origin from Shalya Tantra, which documented in modern journals. The department is well equipped with all surgical specimens, models, teaching materials, CD’s, surgical charts and photos. The department has its own library and department has a computer, printer, digital camera, LCD projector etc. All essential practical are carried out in this department. Tutorial room is fully reached with teaching learning facilities. Department having its own Experimental Surgery Laboratory, where students have learn/practice the various surgical procedures.

Surgical knowledge of diseases and treatments described in Shalya Tantra can be researched and used in diseases with minimum complications and side effects. Now a day’s world is turning to Ayurved for comprehensive treatment for diseases. In ancient India, surgery was principally pioneered by Ayurveda. Shalya Chikitsa is a significant branch of Ayurvedic science. The name of the sage-physician, Susruta is synonymous with surgery. From his treatise Susruta Samhita, we have become aware of the thousands of years ago sophisticated methods of surgery that were practiced in India. Topics of intestinal obstructions, bladder stones and the use of dead bodies for dissection and learning were taught and practiced in ancient India.

The main objectives of this department are to produce and contribute in producing skilled surgical practitioners and to bring abilities to diagnose general and common surgical diseases according to Ayurveda and they will be trained and acquire basic skills to perform various karmas like agni karma, rakta mokshan, ksharsutra, seevan karma etc.